2025 Online Timetable
Exam timetables: See your scheduled exams and assigned rooms in MyWaikato.
The following search links allow you to browse the extensive range of papers offered at Waikato. We provide you with a brief description of the content of each paper currently offered, as well as event times for lectures, tutorials, labs and workshops for each paper.
Teaching activities are scheduled to last 50 minutes and begin on the hour until (and including) 12 noon, and at 10 minutes past the hour from 1:10 p.m. This allows a lunch break of 20 minutes from 12:50 p.m. to 1:10 p.m. for students with continuous teaching activity commitments. Normal teaching hours are between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.
When you've identified a list of papers you are interested in, you can then prepare a timetable.
If you know the code of a paper you are interested in studying, select the "By Code" option from the drop-down box, enter the paper code (or part of the paper code) and search for its associated times and events.
If you are unsure of the exact paper code, but know the title (or part of the title) of a paper you are looking for, select the "By Name" option from the drop-down box and search for matches of paper titles.
If you have a specific time or day spare for study but aren't sure what's available, use the Search by Time page to find Lectures running at that time. You can also narrow your search to a specific semester or to a single department that offers courses you are interested in.
If you want to search on what events are in a particular location, use the Search by Location. You can also narrow your search to a specific time, specific semester or to a single department that offers courses you are interested in.
When you've identified a list of papers you are interested in, you can then Create a timetable using the codes for those papers.
Further information on using the online timetable is available on the help page.
If you have any questions about your timetable, please contact your School of Study/Faculty.