2025 Online Timetable: Search by Paper Code
Please Note: You are viewing the current timetable information for 2025. The list of papers to be offered and the times and rooms for lectures are subject to change. Please continue to check this page for updates.
Use the following form to search for times and dates of events associated with a paper code. You may like to check our list of Subject Codes to find out the correct prefix for a subject which you are interested in. Select 'By Name' from the drop-down list to search for matching paper titles.
No Timetabled Activities Found
Sorry, there were no timetabled paper events found for 'ACCT351'. Try using a shorter paper code or refer to the search tips below.
If you are unsure whether a paper is offered this year, please refer to the Catalogue of Papers. Please note that papers with a location code of (NET) are offered online and do not normally have timetabled activities.
You might also like to try a search by name instead by choosing the By Name option from the drop-down box above.
You might also like to view the list of Subject Codes.